Welcome on thebrand-new site of Kortrijk Studentenstad!

Kortrijk Studentenwhat?

Kortrijk Studentenstad vzw is a collaboration between the student services (STUVOs) of VIVES, KU Leuven Kulak, Howest, and UGent Campus Kortrijk, together with the city of Kortrijk. We aim to ensure there’s always something happening in your area. Throughout the entire academic year, we present sports, cultural, and simply fun activities to add extra color to your student life. Student Welcome, the Big Student Quiz, or our crazy pool party Midnight Swim... are just a few examples of what we organize for students in Kortrijk. Something for everyone!

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vernieuwde culturele

Kortrijk is increasingly establishing itself as a student city and can now begin to compare itself to student cities like Ghent and Leuven. This academic year, the four higher education institutions together total 18,000 students, over 2,000 more than last year, representing an increase of nearly 15%! Kortrijk thus remains, by far, the largest student city in West Flanders.

Student Welcome

On October 2, 2025, Nelson Mandelaplein in Kortrijk will once again transform into the ultimate party paradise for students. The best part? Entry costs just 1 euro! For this symbolic amount, you can enjoy an evening full of fun and entertainment.


Our partners.